Alessandro Sicioldr: Il Sonno Aureo

The Complete Trilogy
Primo Marella Gallery, 2024
Alessandro Sicioldr: Il Sonno Aureo: The Complete Trilogy
Publisher: Primo Marella Gallery
Dimensions: 24x27,5x2,5
Pages: 195
ISBN: 9788894060126
€ 60.00
Alessandro Sicioldr: Il Sonno Aureo
The catalog contains the full trilogy including installation views, artwork pictures and critical essays of all the three exhibition presented by the the artist!

(The book is both in italian and english)


Text introduction to the catalog:
Alessandro Sicioldr's journey continues as it reaches this third stage, closing a triptych that began in 2022 with "Il Maestro, la Voce, la Luce" and continued in 2023 with "Il sogno dell’annuncio". Now it is the turn of "il Sonno Aureo". Titles matter in Sicioldr's world, and although they stand in harmonious uniformity with one another, a progression can be grasped.
From the luminous and verbal evocation of the first exhibition, the artist has moved on to the recording of an anticipatory vision and now arrives at a pictorial nirvana well symbolized by the 2024 canvas that gave the exhibition its title. Mind you, the progression should not be understood as an evolution: Sicioldr's painting style does not change, as it was already consciously established in the works of the first act of this triptych. The exhibition gives further confirmation of his formidable and bewitching expertise, without the hassle of searching for changes or novelty of solutions. The progression should be understood exclusively as a further delving into the world to which Sicioldr feels drawn, to which he feels he belongs as an artist.
In his creative dynamics, titles represent the last act; only at the conclusion of the work does the painting receive the seal of the name that was not thought of or planned before, because it is the painting itself that suggests it, almost dictates it once it is taken off the easel. Before that moment, the artist is subsumed into another space, populated with visions that his mind, and then also his hand, are called upon to organize and explicate in images, without this unraveling the knots of the enigmas that the visions contain. The title comes at the end, to seal images formed regardless and arising from immersion in the ungovernable dimension of the unconscious.
© Giuseppe Frangi 
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