Elio Marchegiani

Ora dell'era dell'oro
Hardcover book

Publisher: Primo Marella Gallery

Dimensions: 24 x 24 x 1 cm

pages: 83

... Marchegiani, I mean to say, made use of the single expressive medium (which he defined as support) as the final resultant of an operation that could have been only the premise for further manipulation, and which is instead, in itself, the resultant of such an operation. ...
... Well, with these progressive phases, Marchegiani has achieved something far more interesting, than those who, achieve, with laborious superimpositions of chromatic stratifications, the ancient effect of the "painted canvas".......but achieve, instead, the tangible and obvious dimpostation of how: "the support is enough to make the painting." And in fact, the subtle marbling of yellow and speckled vellum, the rough grains of plaster, the smooth gray of blackboard, or the imperceptible "weight" of papers would be enough to constitute the expressive medium of each sin- gular work.

Gillo Dorfles

Supports and Grammings, from "La grande scacchiera" Belforte Editore, Livorno, 1977.


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