Paolo Cotani

Softcover book

Publisher: Primo Marella Gallery

Dimensions: 28 x 23 x 1.5 cm

pages: 177
Introduction to the catalog:
Cotani’s work always reaches the limit of paradox and ambiguity where it is impossible to say what a main road he is following. Each gesture, like each series, reveal itself for its duplicity, letting the opposites coexist on a road full of oxymorons, where the spectator always has to doubt his own certainties in a centripetal motion that, from things, it returns to the self.   Camouflaging and revealing is always a constant of his research. Like hiding in the constant tension between energy and inertia. 
Cotani in an interview affirmed: “I believe that the constant of my work, from elastic bandages onwards, has been that of thinking the surface of the painting as a memory of the past. I would like to talk again about layers, and it does not seems literary to me to refer in this way of thinking the space for those who, born in Rome, have understood the deep sense; a city made of layers and accumulations, where marks superimpose other marks, to make it so unique, so precious”. 
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