Amani bodo

selected works and exhibitions
Primo Marella Gallery, 2023

Publisher: Primo Marella Gallery

Dimensions: 25,5 x 21,5 x 1,5

pages: 95



Born in 1988 in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Amani Bodo is son of the well-known artist Pierre Bodo, one of the founders and key exponents of the Zaire School of Popular Painting. This artistic movement, initially practiced on sacks attached onto the canvas and displayed on the streets, was born in the seventies of the 20th century in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The movement was described by the founding artists as something that comes from the people and is for the people, thus expressing their interest in the imaginaryderiving from daily life and popular culture.
The nature of Popular Painting, mainly figurative and descriptive, is visceral and complex as it criticizes the social and political life of the African com- munity, often with a vein of cynicism and irony, addressing issues such as wars, sexuality and the daily situations that the African people find themselves living in.

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