Kings and Queens of Africa: Forms and Figures of Power
29 Januaray - 25 May, 2025
Musée du Louvre
Abu Dhabi
Abdoulaye Konatè's artwork Le Mali un trésor will be showcased in the upcoming exhibition Kings and Queens of Africa: Forms and Figures of Power at the Musée du Louvre d’Abu Dhabi.
For the first time in the UAE and the region there will be an exhibition aimed at offering an excepcional glimpse into Africa's most prominent and powerful figures.
Excellent royal attire and artworks dense with sacred symbols and spiritual influences will be on display to give an insight into culturally and historically significant African kings and queens, who contributed in shaping the continent and how their legacy continues to inspire young African artists and their culture.
Artwork details:
Abdoulaye Konaté
January 23, 2025