Aung Ko at Documenta Fifteen, Kassel

This year the artworks by the artist Aung Ko (Myanmar, 1980) will be exhibited at Documenta Fifteen.
Documenta fifteen takes place from June 18 to September 25 2022, under the artistic direction of the indonesian collective Ruangrupa at various venues in Kassel, Germany.
This year's theme is Lumbung, which in Indonesian means “rice granary”, as a symbol of the food for everyone and not just for those who get rich by exploiting others.
The curators said: "We want to create an artistic and cultural-oriented, cooperative and interdisciplinary platform, that can have an impact beyond the hundred days of documenta 15. We aim for a different model of community-oriented use of resources, not just economic, but also taking into consideration ideas, knowledge, programs and innovations. If in 1955 documenta was launched to heal the wounds of war, today we must focus the exhibition on today’s wounds, especially those rooted in colonialism, in capitalism or in the patriarchal structures, in order to contrast them with models based on partnership that allow people to have a different World vision” ( 
June 18, 2022
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