Mutual art article about alessandro sicioldr

Mystery, Narrative, and Traditional Expertise: Alessandro Sicioldr

Reminiscent of the glory of the Tuscan Renaissance, Alessandro Sicioldr represents a new age in Italian art – one disregarding the moneyed American approach


Recent paintings by the millennial artist Alessandro Sicioldr are solemn and enigmatic images of men and women captured in ritualized moments. They are formal presentations like the ceremonial religious paintings of Giotto, but Sicioldr’s figures are dressed in bulbous hats and bulky garments like the costumes of Pisanello, or Bonifacio Bembo, and painted in a style reminiscent of Florentine frescos, with a dash of the irrational and psychological flavor of 19th-century symbolism to season the imagery. He flirts with darkness, and a sacramental scent of secrecy floats around his sensual paintings, and while the ritual devotion of the inhabitants of his world seems sincere, their devout commune with the mysterious divine seems unconventional and strange.


Article by: Michael Pearce 


Full article here

Luglio 21, 2023
di 94