Established by the State of Senegal since 1990, the Dakar Biennale is included in the wake of major international events for the promotion of Africa's modern cultural heritage. Tegene Kunbi has been selected to participate to the prestigious event exhibiting his works in the main centre pavilion of the biennal.
In the Fourteenth edition of the Dakar Biennale: 59 artists and artist collectives to forge a new common destiny Create, imagine and invent. It is around this triptych that the official international exhibition of the 14th edition of the Dakar Biennale of Contemporary African Art (May 19-June 21, 2022) will take place.
The official selection, in line with the guidelines of the Artistic Direction, will highlight the works of 59 visual artists and artist collectives. They come from Africa and its diaspora. According to Dr. El Hadji Malick Ndiaye, Artistic Director of the 2022 Edition, the theme Ĩ Ndaffa# sounds like an exhortation to create a new common destiny, a future together.
Tegene Kunbi has been selected to participate to the prestigious event exhibiting his works in the main centre pavilion of the biennale.
Tegene Kunbi completed a Painting and Art Education degree at the Fine Arts School at the University of Addis Abeba in 2004 and went on to teach at Kotebe College Academy. With the help of the prestigious DAAD scholarship, he left Ethiopia in 2008 to study at the Universität de Künste Berlin, where he obtained a Master of Fine Arts in 2011. Tegene creates compositions of different geometric shapes and colors, which express his perso- nal vision of his native landscape, fabrics, clothes, and wall paintings. Oil and textile combine to create surfaces of vibrant textures and layers of color.
The Léopold Sédar Senghor Grand Prize from the President of the Republic for the 2022 Dakar Biennale went this year to the Ethiopian artist, Tegene Kunbi Senbento.  The artist Tegene Kunbi received his award from the President, Macky Sall, himself.⁠
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