Press release
On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the death of the Artist Paolo Cotani (1940-2011), the Associazione Paolo Cotani together with the three representative galleries of the artist's work are pleased to announce the international exhibition HE WANTED TO TURN THE SKY UPSIDE DOWN.
The exhibition, curated by Daniela Ferraria, will be held through the locations of the three galleries that together wish to remember the Artist with a shared and simultaneous project, exhibiting historical works and more recent masterpieces by Paolo Cotani, one of the greatest representative artists of the Analytic Painting movement, artistic experience among the most significants of the 1970s. 
"[…] My intention remains that of conducting a discourse on painting, made of quantities, accumulations, and thicknesses. But whilst working on a given surface (the canvas), the progressive degrees of quantity produced a retinal-perceptive result which excluded the parallel interaction of the use of the mediums and the mental and gestural intentions of painting; now the result coincides with the process of creation. Objectifying the use of the material (the wrapping that takes the place of the brush) I tend to achieve the parallel and constant growth between medium and gesture, between the formation of the surface and the working procedure”.
- Paolo Cotani
(from “Sui materiali: bande elastiche + telaio + colore”, Grado zero, exhibition catalogue, Milan, 1974)