TOKOTANY: Joël Andrianomearisoa
Current exhibition
Tokotany is the Malagasy term for an outside area, a yard common to a number of homes, a space adjacent to a bulding. We can imagine that this plot of wasteland is a Malagasy place from another time, a scene of melancholic, nostalgic regret.A specific place where young people from the same neighbourhood, meet, chat, mingle and join in games.So the tokotany is a place for meeting and socialising.When people visit the tokotany, they encounter others and get to know them.They can then show interest, friendship or even affection towards those other persons.With a sign, a sound, a word or a look, a simple fellow player can become a companion. The tokotany, with its intense but tenuous subtlety, becomes a playground of endless possibilities… a theatre of infinite potential with moments of boundless opportunity,Perceptions of every option converge to forge and dissolve links until they remain imprinted on the memories of different generations…In relation to this concept conceived on the playground of every possibility, Joël Andrianomearisoa has chosen to present a new body of work in the form of Tokotany, his fifth personal exhibition at the Primo Marella Milan gallery.Its deep-rooted Madagascan inspirations are accompanied by words of the World.The project pays tribute to all ‘first times’ – of every kind experienced – and focuses solely on discovery, actions that are like certainties, but always remain subject to the constant tension of experimentation.The artist has chosen words, fabric and textiles, oil and metal in his approach, reflecting narratives inspired by that tokotany playground.Here, we see his favourite media – elements of his artistic language – meticulously recomposed in a fresh corpus for this new exhibition.building. Open ground among different constructions, a plot, a yard… earth.- Rina Ralay Ranaivo -
© Studio Joël Andrianomearisoa
27 MARCH - 6 PM