
Africa Universe 2 is the prosecution of a monumental project started two years ago: Africa Universe.


At that time we wrote:

"We have recently recognized and became conscious of the ‘Africa Universe’ – a kaleidoscopic universe able to speak to the whole world, even if built from complex visual and cultural codes. Once on the margins of the mainstream narratives, today, the work of African artists is featured in the evolving discourse of contemporary art. From publications to bien- nales and exhibitions in the most prestigious museums, from academic research to new cu- ratorial methodologies and programs, from auction houses to commercial art galleries - the world’s attention has been focused on Contemporary African Art."


Now, more than ever it exemplify the reality.
Africa is gaining more and more recognition in the art world.

Our experience on this research path started more than a decade ago with our first exhi- bition on Africa contemporary art: Africa assume art position! In 2010.

At that time the Global attention was completely focused elsewhere, and the artistic sce- ne of the African continent was not this prolific.

We are proud to see that many of the emerging artist we selected and presented at that time, such as Joël Andrianomearisoa for example, are now artists well known internatio- nally.


The exhibition Africa Universe 2 is another milestones on the same path. We wanted to focus on the most interesting African contemporary artists, balancing the selection between established and emerging artists.

To show how the "old guard" is now backed by a fertile group of young energetic fellows. Among historical pieces, has been exhibited brand new artworks created by the artists during this complicated period, the 2020, a year that will be part of the Global History. These works are translated in personal, but at the same time universal experiences.

Due to the Italian COVID-19 restrictions, we presented Africa Universe - Part II firstly in an online format, something completely new, but unavoidable to reach out to all of the public around the world, even if not phisically, at least virtually. Secondly, once allowed, physically.

This catalogue is fruits of the efforts we all put together to record this difficult but incre- dible year.

By all means we hope you will enjoy it with all your might.


Silvia Perego


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