
Aditya’s installations invite the viewer to interact with them. ,Aditya's artoworks have been defined as “rotable paintings”.

Jim Supangkat

Born in 1978 in Indonesia, Aditya Novali got a bachelor's degree in Architectural Engineering from Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Bandung, Indonesia. Afterwards, from 2006 to 2008, he did an IM Master of Conceptual Design at the Design Academy of Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Remarkable exhibitions are “Art Portable”, CP Artspace, Jakarta, Indonesia (2004), Deep S.E.A. Contemporary Art from South East Asia”, Primo Marella Gallery, Milan, Italy (2012), and “Beyond The Walls”, Primo Marella Gallery, Milan, Italy (2013).
In his works Aditya Novali began developing games' ideas and he finally arrived at a concept of “rotatable paintings” - paintings that are ‘versatile’. The paintings are made out of pieces of wood, constructed into triangular tubes with three surfaces. These triangular tubes are placed parallel to one another (either horizontally or vertically). Each tube can be turned independently. By turning each triangular tube, the audience can choose the images and combination of images painted on the sides. To cater to the public’s choices, Aditya Novali must take into account every compositional combination, that they must all yield pleasing and meaningful results. Nowadays, the question of urban living in Aditya Novali’s works has become even clearer. He uses the concept of rotatable painting to convey a sense of spatial arrangement. In previous developments, his rotatable paintings often depict landscapes. However, most recently, he has used rotatable paintings to convey spatial dimensions in his flats and apartments. Here, urban inquiries can be conceived clearly.
Solo & Group Show

Aditya Novali CV

Born in 1978 in Surakarta (Indonesia).



Solo Show

Painting Sense, Roh Projects, Jakarta, ID
The Order Makan Angin#2, Cemeti Art House, Yogyakarta, ID

Beyond the Walls, Primo Marella Gallery, Milan, IT

The Method of Polarity, Umahseni, Jakarta, ID

Indoscape: A Geo-History, Galerie Canna, Jakarta, ID

Art Portable, CP Artspace, Jakarta, ID

View on Woman, Linggar Gallery, Jakarta, ID

Taman Budaya, Yogyakarta, ID

Transition, Bentara Budaya, Jakarta, ID

Purna Budaya, Yogyakarta, ID

Galeri Pasar Seni Ancol, Jakarta, ID


Group Show

PLUGGED, Pearl Lam Galleries, SG
Imaginary Synonym, Tokyo Wonder Site, Tokyo, JP

Object: About Memory and Time, Nunu Fine Art, Taipei, TW
(Dis)appear, Primae Noctis Art Gallery, Lugano, CH

The Order Makan Angin#2, Cemeti Art House, Yogyakarta, ID
Shout! Indonesian Contemporary Art, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea (MACRO), Rome, IT
Sculpture Triennale, National Gallery, Jakarta, ID
The Wall/Structure/Construction / Memory, Ark Galerie, Yogyakarta, ID

Little Water, Dojima River Biennale, Osaka, JP
Pressing, Centro Video Insight, Torino, IT
South East Asia (SEA)+ Triennale, National Gallery, Jakarta, ID
Deep S.E.A:Contemporary Art from South East Asia, Primo Marella Gallery, Milan, IT
Re.claim, National Gallery, Jakarta, ID

Maximum City, Jakarta Biennale, National Gallery, Jakarta, ID
Religiosity in Indonesian Art, Mon Decor Art Centre, Jakarta, ID
Contemporary Landscape, Lawangwangi Art Space, Bandung, ID

All About Paper, Dia Lo Gue Artspace, Jakarta, ID

Exodus, Nadi Gallery, Jakarta, ID
CP Biennale, Museum Bank Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia 2005 Yogya Biennale, Yogyakarta, ID

Malaysian Indonesian Artists, Taksu Gallery, Jakarta, ID

Bandung Young Artists Exhibition, Griya Seni Popo Iskandar, Bandung, ID

The Other Side of Indonesian People and Their Country, Santi Gallery, Jakarta, ID