
"I work as if I was remembering and writing random memories as a form of gradual self-digging. Memories of the past become personal things to dig deeper, and are then sorted and gathered into the artwork."

Born in 1995, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Living and working in Yogyakarta.

Rangga Aputra graduated at the Indonesian Institute of Arts, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.


Since his childhood, Rangga Aputra has been interested in painting: painting is purepleasure for him. He started to paint when he was at Senior High School. Influenced by some im- portant exhibitions in Yogyakarta, today Rangga has already joined plenty of shows in his country and has also been awarded in 2012.

Anselm Kiefer, George Baselitz, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Jean Dubuffet, Antoni Tàpies and Zao Wouki are some of “legend” artists (as he likes to call them) who have inspired him. Most of Rangga’s artworks highlight his interests for daily issues such as personal routines.

Monochrome colors are his typical landmark, whereas colors bring the nuance of deep reflection. Rangga uses different tools, depending on the needs of the visual language to be delivered. Alongside acrylic and oil paint, he likes to play with texture and explore new materials such as asphalt, bitumen, car paint and spray, to get different results such as the color of the soil.



Rangga Aputra. The colors of the iris

"I work as if I was remembering and writing random memories as a form of gradual self-digging. Memories of the past become personal things to dig deeper, and are then sorted and gathered into the artwork.
I have created 2 series of artworks in the past 3 years.
The first series is “Catatan Tekstur” (“Record of texture”) which concerns artworks connected to memories of the past. These artworks try to reveal layers of memories about things from the past that really imprint on our mind and subconscious, interpreting the background layers as the past. On the other hand, the outer layer represents the present, with lines shaping visuals and letters spontaneously.The texture etchings are instead seen as a past that cannot be completely dismantled. Memoriesremain in the present. However, it’s impossible to remember all the past and to scratch the entire the surface, because it quickly dries, and cannot be modified, like time, which cannot turn back andcannot be changed.
The second series is “Bias Cahaya” (“Record of Refraction”).
Exploring memories in the experimental area and remembering when the pupils of the eyes enlarge while seeing the sunlight. Being in a dark room after staring at the sun causes our eyes to give rise to imaginary colors and irregular lines due to ocular diaphragm (the iris). It seems to be among the fireflies.
Artworks created by undefined blocks of color and absurd shapes, superimposed on each other, are an effort to remember this condition, and to express spontaneous and common objects so that their existence is appreciated."
- Rangga Aputra
Solo & Group Show

Rangga Aputra CV

Born in 1995 in Yogyakarta (Indonesia).




After illusion: tropical echoes, Primo Marella Gallery, Milan, Italy


Rangga Aputra - The order of chaotic lights, Primo Marella Gallery, Lugano, Swizerland


Among the fireflies, Primae Noctis Art Gallery, Lugano, Switzerland


Rangga Aputra. The colors of the iris - Solo Exhibition, Primo Marella Gallery, Lugano, Swizerland


“Abstract Vs Optical 2”, Primo Marella Gallery, Milano, Italy “Abstract Vs Optical”, Primo Marella Gallery, Milano, Italy “OPPO Artjakartavirtual Artfair 2020”, Sakato Art Comunity “Letter To Star” part 2, in collaboration with Artemis, Julia Gallery, Langgeng Art Foundation and Vinyl on vinyl “Re-Neo” Helutrans Artspace Jogja nasional museum com- plex, yogyakarta

“U.need Studio for humanity” pandemi covid 19,virtual exhibition
“Mini sexy”, Ruang dalam arthouse,yogyakarta
“Aksi aksi” join u need studio ,RJ Katamsi ISI yogyakarta


“Transposisi” ,Langgeng Art Space, yogyakarta
“Kertas memanggil”, uneed art studio, kasongan yoguakarta “10x berapa ?” Tribute to widayat, 100th, Ruang dalam art house
“Japuik Tabao jilid 3” ,Bentara Budaya ,palmerah Jakarta “Unidea-Unity idea” ,Nalaroepa Ruang seni , karangjati yogyakarta
“Bebas” sakato art community ,jogjagallery .
“Incumbent Yogya Annual Art” ,sangkring art project yogya- karta
“Walking in the rhythm” ,Redbase yogyakarta

“Formmisi Surau dan rantau#3”, RJ Katamsi Gallery, ISI, Yogyakarta
“International Exhibition Dewantara Trienale”, Bale Banjar Sangkring ,Yogyakarta

“Intention”, Edwin’s Gallery ,Kemang Raya, Jakarta
“Sakata pamer#1” ,Sabdacora x Sakata ,sakata creative space and mini café,kyai luhur guest house,Bandung


“Mengingat Ingatan” ,Kiniko Art ,Sarang building 2, kalipakis,Yogyakarta
“Kepada Republik #4”, Lobby Gedung Nusantara ,DPR RI senayan, Jakarta

Primo Marella Gallery

“Japuik Tabao Jilid 2”, Bentara Budaya, Bali
“FKY PAPERU 30”, Planet Piramid, Yogyakarta
“Bromance” RJ katamsi ISI yogyakarta
BAKABA #7 ‘Zaman Now” Sakato Art Community jogja gallery yogyakarta “To be known” indies heritage hotel Jalan prawiro- taman III yogyakarta APIK , Pameran angkatan 2014 ke-2 ,RJ KATAMSI ISI Yogyakarta

KARTARSIS, redbase art foundation ,jalan ngijo sewon Yogyakarta
Sabdacora , 1kg = 1art pyramid jalan parangtritis yogyakarta


“Bad Video Art”, Moba (Museum of bad art), A3 Gallery, Moscow, Russia
“15x15x15, I Know What I Do and I Do It Aniway “ Gallery Sumardja ITB, Bandung

“Extrana Figuration”, Muroluquido , Florida, Colombia 2016

“Wayang, Drawing Nusantara”, Taman Budaya Yogyakarta “Bakaba 5, Cadiak Indak Mambuang Pandai “ Jogja Gallery, Yogyakarta
Paint All etno “ teater center “ ISI surakarta

“Aksi Artsy” colective artwork by sabdacora, gedung katamsi ISI yogyakarta Sabdacora” JOY GENERATION “ galery hotel prawirotaman yogyakarta
“Vetta olive” operkontrak gedongan kasongan bantul yogya- karta

Nandur srawung #3 “colective artwork by sabdacora” Taman budaya, yogyakarta
Candradimuka Museum affandi Yogjakarta
Dominiart isi solo taman budaya solo

Lupa-rupa Jogja nasional museum yogyakarta
fbs UMY Mesin vaganza ,gedung Sportorium UMY


“Disleksia Angkatan Murni 2014”, Jogja Nasional Museum “Drawing Nusantara”, Taman Budaya Yogyakarta
“Under Construction”, Jogja Gallery, Yogyakarta

“Art For Orang Utan: Life Umbrella Species”, Jogja National Museum, Yogyakarta


“Spirit Grebeg Sekaten” ,Hotel Duta Wisata Jalan Solo Yogyakarta

“WaterColour Party” , at “IAM” (Independent Art Space&Management) Naganlor .Yogyakarta “EXPRE’51U- langTahun SMSR” ke 51 .21 Mei .Galery SMSR Yogyakarta Tugas Akhir SMSR ‘’MBALUNG SUNGSUM” Taman Budaya 9 -11 Mei Yogyakarta.
“Tak Membidik Titik “GendhisResto 14juni-14juli Jalan Sartika Sagan Yogyakarta
Art free “Nyaur “ 6-7 Agustus KarangKlethak Omah Petroek Kaliurang Yogyakarta
Art free “Nyaur “ trip 2 Bentara budaya yogyakarta


“GLORY MY COUNTRY”Pameran,SMSR Yogyakarta
“SMSR Yogya feat SMSR Malaysia” ,di SMSR YogyakartaGa- lerry SMSR Yogyakarta “HariBumi (PersembahanUntukBu- mi)” ,di PerahuArt Connection,Yogyakarta
“ YSRI “KEREN TANPA NARKOBA”,GaleriNasionalJakarta DelartExhibition SMA 8 “AkuCintaPancasila”TamanBudaya Yogyakarta
UII Youth Art Festival ,JogjaNasionalMuseum,Yogyakarta “Ander Rock”,AsdrafiArt Space Yogyakarta
XI Lukis1 “OPEN THE FUTURE” ,GaleriBiasa Yogyakarta.. Pameran Kompetisi Seni Lukis Remaja”KEREN TANPA NAR- KOBA” 2013 di Plaza SENAYAN jakarta.


“Aku cinta pancasila”Pameran dan Kompetisi Nasional YSRI di Gallery Nasional Jakarta “Its Me “ Gallery smsrYogyakarata “Migunanitumrapinliyan”Pameranbersama, XT Square, Yogyakarta

“ART FREE”Pameranbersama, “RupaGarasi” , Yogyakarta “Persembahan untuk Bumi”Pameranbersama,
Perahu art conection, Yogyakarta “Good culture Goodfuture”Pameranbersama, Galeri SMSR, Yogyakarta




“10 Best Artist, Yogyakarta Art Festival, PAPERU#30”, Yogyakarta

“Judge nomination on BAKABA #7 Zaman now”, Sakato Art Community , Jogja Gallery, Yogyakarta

“Best painting”, Indonesian Institute of Arts, Yogyakarta


30 Young artist PAPERU FKY #27, Yogyakarta Art Festival, Gedung Sasana hinggil Yogyakarta
“5 Best Painting Impasto Technique”, Indoneisan Institute of Arts, Yogyakarta


1st winner Mural SMSR ,Ulangtahun ke-50 SMSR,2013 1st winner caricatur BEM UNY ,2013
“3rd Winner Sketch, Sketch out your life” ,Didaktos Universi- tas Dutawacana

“1st Sketch,Maju Kedepan Mundur Kebelakang”, Atmajaya University, Yogyakarta
“Best Artwork : GLORY MY COUNTRY Exhibition”, KKNPPL UNY, Galerry SMSR, Yogyakarta

“Finalist Young Painting Artist Jakarta 2013 KEREN TANPA NARKOBA”, Jakarta


1st Lukis Dewasa Polda DIY 2012
1st Sketch Vredeburg 2012
1st best painting “Best of the best” PPPPTK 2012
2nd promising painting Galerry Nasional,young painting”AKU CINTA PANCASILA” 2012
2nd Drawing FABER CASTELL “UNIKNYA KOTAKU”kampus MSD Tamansiswa Yogyakarta
2nd Cube painting YAMAHA , Atrium Malioboro Yogyakarta 1st Sketch “Revitalisasi Pendidikan”Universitas Negri Sema- rang ,Museum Ranggawarsita Semarang

Art Fairs