Miart Art Fair 2022

31 March - 3 April 2022 
PAD3 / Booth A15


Joël Andrianomearisoa

Rangga Aputra

Bestrizal Besta

Abdoulaye Konaté

Troy Makaza

Elio Marchegiani

Marco Mazzucconi

Ruben Pang


Kenji Sugiyama

Nguyen Thai Tuan

He Wei


1-3 April 2022
VIP preview 31 March, by invitation only
fieramilanocity_MiCo – Pav 3 – Gate 5 - viale Scarampo, Milan

Opening time

Friday 1 April 11.30/15.30 – 15.30/20.00
Saturday 2 April 11.30/15.30 – 15.30/20.00
Sunday 3 April 10.00/13.30 – 13.30/17.00



miart - the international modern and contemporary art fair in Milan - is the exhibition that presents the widest chronological offer in Italy, offering a wide audience of Italian and international collectors the opportunity to discover masterpieces from the early twentieth century to the creations of the latest generations.

The goal for next edition is to start a new phase: the first movement of a possible, brand new symphony. The first movement is not only the beginning of a multi-part musical form, but also a desire for acceleration for an industry that today, after the positive autumn season of international fairs, feels ready to lengthen its stride and take a leap forward.