The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York Acquisition
Joël Andrianomearisoa March 6, 2025Primo Marella Gallery is delighted that three works from Joël Andrianomearisoa's series 'LES HERBES FOLLES DU VIEUX LOGIS' are now part of the permanent collection of The Metropolitan Museum of... -
Verso nuovi continenti creativi
Corriere del Ticino February 28, 2025Verso nuovi continenti creativi ('Toward new creative continents') , Angela Mollisi's in-depth look at the vision of Primo Marella , a gallery owner who has been able to look beyond... -
Tegene Kunbi, «The fabrics I work with are a memory of my own experience»
Il Manifesto February 21, 2025Tegene Kunbi' s interview conducted by Laura Burocco on the occasion of the opening of his latest solo exhibition at Primo Marella Gallery Milan was published in Il Manifesto .... -
Tate modern acquisition
Abdoulaye Konaté: "Intolerance" January 13, 2025Primo Marella Gallery is thrilled to announce that Intolerance , a powerful work by renowned artist Abdoulaye Konaté , has been acquired by the prestigious Tate Modern in London. This... -
Fondazione Golinelli February 10, 2025Primo Marella Gallery is pleased to present “Echoes of Africa ,” an exhibition entirely dedicated to contemporary African art, curated by Fondazione Golinelli and held in the Opificio spaces. Echoes... -
Group exhibition - Kings and Queens of Africa: Forms and Figures of Power January 23, 2025Kings and Queens of Africa: Forms and Figures of Power 29 Januaray - 25 May, 2025 Musée du Louvre Abu Dhabi Abdoulaye Konatè 's artwork Le Mali un trésor will...